1. What is Matcha?
Matcha is a fine green tea powder used for drinking or cooking. It is different from loose leaf teas because the whole tea leaf is consumed instead of just the infusion. Matcha comes from the plant Camellia Sinensis. Only authentic Matcha is made from tencha leaves (shade grown). To learn more about the production process please click here.
2. What are some health benefits of Matcha?
- Increase in energy - Matcha is an energy booster due to the combination of caffeine content and other natural properties.
- Reduce stress and improve mental alertness - Matcha has an abundance of the unique Amino Acid L-Theanine. Matcha may contain up to five times more of L-Theanine than the common green teas. L-Theanine creates alpha waves in the brain to promote relaxation and alertness.
- Improve metabolism and help with weight loss - Matcha is close to zero calories and helps burn calories four times faster than average. Matcha also lowers cholesterol and blood sugar and does not raise insulin levels.
- Boost immune system and reduce inflammation - Matcha has the highest rated ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) compared to many fruits and vegetables. Matcha also contains a specific Catechin called Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCg). EGCg is most widely recognized for its cancer fighting properties. Research has found that Matcha contains over 100 times more EGCg than some other teas on the market.
- Help the body cleanse of harmful elements - When the tea leaves have shaded sunlight, this causes a tremendous increase in chlorophyll production. The resulting high levels of chlorophyll in Matcha acts as a powerful detox machine capable of naturally removing heavy metals and chemical toxins from the body.
*Any statements, products or claims made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging.
3. How much caffeine is in a cup of Matcha?
A cup of Matcha (using 1g of Matcha powder) has 35mg of caffeine compared to a cup of coffee sitting at 95-200mg of caffeine. Since Matcha contains L-Theanine, drinking Matcha has a calming and relaxing effect.
4. How much L-theanine is in Matcha?
The L-theanine content will always vary batch to batch since it is organic and grown in a natural environment.
Ceremonial Matcha will usually have a higher L-theanine content than culinary Matcha due to the different harvest times. Younger tea leaves from the 1st harvest have more L-theanine.
Please see below as a general guideline (based on 1 gram of Matcha):
Tenryu Matcha has approximately 23.8mg (+ or -) of L-theanine
Gold Class Matcha has approximately 17mg (+ or -) of L-theanine
Emerald Class Matcha has approximately 17mg (+ or -) of L-theanine
Sen Matcha has approximately 14.26mg (+ or -) of L-theanine
5. What are the nutritional facts?
Please click here. This is a general guideline. Matcha is not a supplement.
6. Is your Matcha gluten, dairy, soy, GMO free?
Yes, our Matcha is free of gluten, dairy, soy, and GMOs.
Please consult with your health care professional if you have any dietary restrictions, allergies, and health concerns.
7. Is your Matcha vegan?
Yes, our Matcha is Vegan Certified by Vegan Action.
8. Is your Matcha made from tencha or sencha?
For both ceremonial and culinary grade, we use authentic Japanese tencha (shade grown).
9. The origin says it's from mostly Aichi and Kagoshima (Japan), where else do you get your tea leaves from? Why is it not from one region?
Our organic tencha leaves are 100% from Japan and they are from Aichi, Kyoto, and/or Kagoshima. Every harvest will be different since we cannot control the weather conditions. Therefore, we select the organic tea leaves from a few regions to create the best mix for taste, color, and aroma.
10. My Matcha doesn't look like the same vibrant green color as my computer screen.
Everyone's screens or monitor settings are different, and therefore the color most likely won't be exactly the same as what you see online. We use our actual products for all our professional photos.
1. Is it Heavy Metals free?
We test for Heavy Metals and ensure it is well below the allowable limit and that it is 100% safe for our consumers. Our testing usually show some of the Heavy Metals not detected and or well below the allowable limit. Companies that claim their Matcha is "free of Heavy Metals" are falsely advertising because these substances are natural and it is impossible for it not to exist.
For example: Lead is a natural substance and exists everywhere in nature.
All plants may acquire Lead because it can be absorbed from the soil or air. By conducting lab tests, we are able to monitor and keep it at a minimum and safe level. We also follow strict Organic and food standards.
In general approximately, 0.2g is contained in a meal/day, 0.1g from water, and 0.03mg from air intake. It will vary depending on where you are living and the environmental conditions and will always change due to nature.
The amount of Lead found in our Matcha is very LOW compared to some competitors. Our tests show the Lead amount is on average between >0.207ppm to >0.135ppm. PPM (parts per million) is used to denote a very, very low concentration of a solution/substance.
If you're still concerned, no worries! Contact us for more information here.
2. I'm worried about radiation. Is your Matcha safe to drink?
Yes our Matcha is safe to consume. Tests for radiation are performed and it is always below the detection limit. Find the latest reports here. Along with radiation testing, Midori Spring adheres to very strict Organic and Kosher regulations, many tests and audits are performed to pass these standards. Our Organic and Kosher certifications can be found here. If we do not pass these tests and audits, we cannot ship these products to US/Canada/UK/Germany, they would not be allowed to leave Japan. We would not be selling our Matcha if it was not safe. Still concerned? Please contact us here.
3. Does Matcha contain fluoride?
Matcha tea naturally contains fluoride. Our matcha is grown in Japan (Aichi, Kagoshima, & Kyoto) where the fluoride content in the water and soil is much lower compared to China. The WHO (World Health Organization) recommends a daily allowance of 2-4 mg of fluoride. Fluorides are naturally found in food, soil, and both fresh and salt water. We recommend drinking a maximum of 3 cups of matcha per day.
More information on fluoride:
4. Can I drink Matcha during my pregnancy? How about when I'm nursing?
Please consult with your health care professional. A cup of Matcha (using 1g of Matcha powder) has 35mg of caffeine.
5. Can I drink Matcha if I'm on specific medication?
Please consult with your health care professional. A cup of Matcha (using 1g of Matcha powder) has 35mg of caffeine.
6. Can my kids drink Matcha or eat Matcha treats?
Please consult with your health care professional. A cup of Matcha (using 1g of Matcha powder) has 35mg of caffeine. Here is one guideline from the Government of Canada:
Government of Canada (Caffeine and kids)
7. Are you Whole30 approved?
Yes we are!
1. I don't like the taste. First time Matcha drinker?
We understand some people do not like the taste the first few times they try Matcha, but it is similar to the same initial experiences with coffee or wine, after a few shots, you may come to love it. If you still do not like the taste, we suggest adding a bit of raw honey, or turn it into a Matcha inspired latte or smoothie. When brewing traditionally, please adjust water and Matcha amount to your liking. See how to make the Perfect Matcha Brew here.
2. Why does my Matcha brew taste bitter?
There are many variables why the Matcha brew can taste bitter.
- The temperature of the water - we recommend brewing the Matcha between 72-76⁰c (162-169⁰f). If the temperature is too high, it may cause bitterness.
- Ratio of Matcha and water - Too much or too little of either Matcha or water. We recommend starting off with 1/2-3/4 teaspoon of Matcha with 60mL/2oz of water. If it is too strong, add a little amount of water each time until desired taste.
- Whisking process - Sometimes using the hand whisk will miss some spots. Best results are to use a small sifter to avoid clumping when putting Matcha into the bowl. Pour a bit of water first and whisk for a few seconds, then pour the rest of the water in. Make sure you whisk in a "W" motion and that the whisk does not scrape the bottom of the bowl. Frothers are also a great option if you do not use a whisk.
3. How do I prepare Matcha?
Please click here to go to the Perfect Matcha Brew page.
4. Is the green color natural?
Yes! We are Organic and Kosher Certified. The vibrant emerald green is formed naturally due to high amounts of chlorophyll. Only high ceremonial grades of Matcha have this color. Culinary grades of Matcha are not as green and more olive (yellowish green).
5. i) My Matcha is clumped in my brand new opened tin. Is clumping normal?
Clumping is perfectly normal and the Matcha is 100% safe to consume. Since the particle size of Matcha is very small - it tends to naturally clump in humid environments or very dry environments due to static electricity. Matcha's average moisture rate is 2 to 3%. It is highly recommended to store your Matcha in the fridge once opened or in a dark, cool, dry place. Make sure the lid is sealed tightly. If you have not opened your Matcha, it can be stored in the freezer. When you are ready to make your Matcha drink, simply use a small sifter to reduce clumping.
ii) My Matcha looks like it's clumped into tiny balls, did it go bad?
Your Matcha is good! This is perfectly normal and your Matcha is 100% safe to consume. Please see answer about clumping above.
iii) There's clumping at the bottom of my mug. How do I avoid clumping?
To avoid clumping, it is best to use a small sifter when putting Matcha into the bowl or mug. Pour a bit of water first and whisk for a few seconds, then pour the rest of the water in. Matcha does not dissolve, it simply becomes suspended in water when whisked. Give your mug a swirl when you almost reach the bottom or add a little bit of water.
6. My Matcha won't dissolve, am I doing something wrong?
Don't worry, you're not doing anything wrong - Matcha actually does not dissolve. Matcha simply becomes suspended in water when whisked. Matcha is made from shade grown tea leaves ground into very fine powder. It doesn't dissolve like sugar or powdered milk. You will always find Matcha powder settle at the bottom of your chawan or cup if you leave your Matcha tea for too long. There are some tips to make a perfect Matcha tea brew here. Many of the popular branded "Matcha" lattes are prepared with lots of sugar, milk powder, and not pure Matcha. Give your mug a swirl when you almost reach the bottom or add a little bit of water.
7. I don't have a bamboo whisk, can I still make Matcha?
Of course! You can use any small whisk (stainless steel, silicone, etc) OR use an electric milk frother.
8. Can I use Matcha in mixed beverages, baking and cooking?
Yes! Matcha can be used in smoothies, lattes, mixed beverages, baked goods, ice cream, yogurt, breakfast cereals, and so much more. We recommend our culinary Matcha. Depending on the recipe, only a small amount of Matcha is used, it can range from 1/2 tsp to 2 tbs. Click here for recipes.
9. I don't know which Matcha to try!
No worries, we can help you decide.
Tenryu - Cream of the crop! Our highest and most premium ceremonial Matcha. Just for drinking on its own.
Gold Class - Just for drinking on its own, perfect beginner ceremonial Matcha.
Emerald Class - Great for Matcha lattes & smoothies. You can also drink this grade on its own.
Sen - If you're planning to bake/cook/mix the matcha with other ingredients. Sen is our most economical option.
1. The 30g tin Matcha is not packaged in a pouch inside the tin, should I be concerned?
Our 30g tin packaging does not store the Matcha in a separate bag since the tin is food grade and sealed with a pull tab. Our packaging is formulated to maintain optimal freshness and to provide effortless handling. Once the pull tab is removed, the Matcha should be stored in the fridge with the lid tightly sealed to maintain freshness.
2. Why is the 100g tin Matcha not sealed with a pull tab? The Matcha is in a pouch within the tin.
Our sealing machines are not designed to seal tins with a pull tab larger than 30g, nonetheless, we have formulated the most practical packaging for our 100g tin. The size of the pouch and tin have been carefully selected and tested for most practical handling. Matcha should be kept in the pouch (pinch to keep air out) with the lid sealed to maintain freshness once opened. It is highly recommended not to pour the Matcha directly into the 100g tin in order to maintain optimal freshness.
3. Should I store my Matcha in the fridge after opening?
Yes! Once opened, Matcha should be stored in the fridge to maintain optimal freshness OR stored in a dark, cool, dry place. Make sure the lid is closed tightly. Do not leave the tin out too long in room temperature when scooping out the Matcha.
4. There is no dry pack moisture absorber in your packaging. Is it missing?
That's correct, we do not have a dry pack moisture absorber in our packaging because it simply does not help with clumping (after many testings). Naturally, the Matcha will clump due to it's micron size and moisture rate. We also do not want to tamper with the quality of the Matcha by adding a dry pack moisture absorber.
5. My Matcha is no longer a vibrant emerald green color like when I first opened the tin.
Once opened, the chlorophyll (which gives Matcha it’s vibrant emerald green color) starts to oxidize causing the Matcha to yellow/brown over time. The oxidization happens naturally and the Matcha is still safe to drink. We highly recommend - once opened, the Matcha should be kept in the fridge and consumed as quickly as possible (within 3 months for optimal freshness).
6. Are your tins BPA free?
Yes. Our high quality tins are food grade and BPA free. To learn more about BPA click here.
7. What is the Best Before Date?
The Best Before Date can be found directly on the product. Matcha does not really expire, it just oxidizes over time once opened. We recommend consuming your matcha within 3 months for optimal freshness.
1. Why is the cost for Ceremonial Grade Matcha higher than Culinary Grade?
There are always high quality products vs more economical products on the market, and it is up to the consumer what products works best for them. Ceremonial grade is considered more premium and is traditionally used in Japanese tea ceremonies. There is a distinctive taste, aroma, color difference between ceremonial and culinary. Midori Spring ceremonial grade Matcha is vibrant emerald green and tastes smooth, creamy, sweet whereas, culinary grade will taste more astringent/bitter and has a yellowish green color. The application of ceremonial and culinary are different, one is used for drinking and one act as an ingredient respectively. Currently on the market, ceremonial grade Matcha can range from $26USD ~ $38USD per ounce (30g). At Midori Spring, we ensure to keep our prices very competitive while delivering the utmost premium products. Learn more about ceremonial VS culinary grade here.
2. How many servings of Matcha are in the 30g tin (Gold Class & Tenryu)?
On average between 15-30 servings from the 30g tin. It depends on your taste preference and how you prepare your Matcha.
3. How many servings of Matcha are in the 100g tin (Emerald Class)?
It depends on how you use the Matcha and your taste preference. For tea brews it will be approximately 50-100 servings.
4. How many servings of Matcha are in the 100g pouch (Sen)?
It depends on how you use the Matcha, some recipes use 2 tablespoons while others use 1 teaspoon, or just a sprinkle. For making smoothies, lattes, mixed beverages it will be approximately 50-100 servings.
Blends and Other Tea Powders
How does Hojicha improve my health?
Green tea is full of antioxidants, which protect the cells of the body from the effects of free radicals and therefore help to reduce inflammation. It can also help reduce stress, improve mental alertness, and support metabolism. -
Does Hojicha Contain Caffeine?
Hojicha is known for its lower caffeine content, making it a favorite for those looking to reduce their intake without giving up the richness of a good brew. Because of the roasting process, on average, a cup of Hojicha contains about 7.7 mg of caffeine. In comparison, Matcha, which is made from the entire tea leaf, has a higher caffeine concentration, typically around 35-70 mg per cup. Meanwhile, a standard cup of coffee can range significantly but averages about 95 mg of caffeine. So if you're looking for a gentler lift, Hojicha is an excellent choice with just enough to keep you going without the buzz. -
Are there any risk of Radiation in the leaves?
No. The tea farms which grow our leaves are in a safe areas with controlled environments, while using the most strict of organic farming practices. In addition, our matcha is tested for Radiation, heavy metals, and other toxins regularly after harvest and before production. -
My powders won't dissolve, am I doing something wrong?
Don't worry, you're not doing anything wrong - Fineles ground tea powders actually does not dissolve completely. Matcha, Hojicha, and most microgrounds becomes suspended in water when whisked. Green Tea powder is made from shade grown tea leaves ground into very fine powder. It doesn't dissolve like sugar or powdered milk. You will always find Matcha powder settle at the bottom of your chawan or cup if you leave your tea for too long. There are some tips to make a perfect Matcha tea brew here. Many of the popular branded "Matcha" lattes are prepared with lots of sugar, milk powder, and not pure Matcha. Give your mug a swirl when you almost reach the bottom or add a little bit of water. -
What is Genmaicha Powder?
Genmaicha powder is a finely ground version of the traditional Japanese tea blend consisting of green tea leaves and roasted brown rice. It offers a convenient and versatile way to enjoy the unique flavors and health benefits of Genmaicha. -
How is Genmaicha powder different from traditional Genmaicha tea?
Genmaicha powder retains the same distinctive flavor profile of traditional Genmaicha tea but in a powdered form. This allows for easier incorporation into recipes and beverages, offering a convenient way to enjoy the flavor and benefits of Genmaicha in various culinary applications. -
Does GEM Genmaicha Contain Caffeine?
Yes, Genmaicha powder contains caffeine due to its green tea component. Generally, Genmaicha powder contains less caffeine than pure green tea but still provides a gentle energy boost without the jitters often associated with stronger caffeinated beverages. -
What are the health benefits of Genmaicha powder?
Like traditional Genmaicha tea, Genmaicha powder is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It offers potential health benefits such as improved digestion, enhanced metabolism, and increased energy levels. Additionally, the roasted brown rice in Genmaicha powder may contribute to gut health and support regular bowel movements. -
I have more questions...
Check out our FAQ page here where we answer many of your most pertinent questions.
Feel free to send us an email anytime at info@midorispring.com
1. Do you ship internationally? What is the shipping rate for international orders?
For more details about shipping click here.
2. I haven't received my order, it's been a few days. When can I expect my package to arrive?
Please allow at least 1-2 business day to process your order. If your order was placed on the weekend/holidays, it will be processed the NEXT business day.
Here are the STANDARD ESTIMATED shipping times:
**Please note, recently USPS has been experiencing delays.**
USA - estimated 4 to 7 business days
Canada - estimated 4 to 12 business days
UK - estimated 5 to 12 business days
Germany - estimated 5 to 12 business days
Australia - estimated 14-21 business days
International - estimated 14 to 21 business days
Once your package is shipped out, we have no control over the third party couriers. We do our best to keep track of your shipment. If there is an issue with your shipment, we will notify you as soon as possible. You can keep track of your shipment by the tracking number provided. We see the same information as you.
Expedited shipments are available at higher costs, please go through our check out checkout page to see final cost.
3. I still haven't received my order yet, the estimated standard shipping time has passed. What do I do?
Please send us an e-mail info@midorispring.com with your order number and we can further investigate with the third party courier. Most likely it will be delivered within another couple business days. Sometimes the couriers experience delays due to high volume, low staff, weather, and etc.
4. My tracking number says my package was delivered but I didn't receive it.
Before contacting us please check the following:
- Did someone in your household receive your package on your behalf?
- The courier may have left your package somewhere other than your regular mailbox. Please check other areas on your front porch. If you have an outdoor bench or potted plant, they may have left the package there.
- Please check with your concierge.
- Did your neighbor receive your package?
If you still cannot locate your package, please send us an e-mail info@midorispring.com with your order number and we can further investigate with the third party courier.
Often times, the courier did not update their tracking system and they will deliver the next business day.
If you believe your items were stolen, please file a police report to local authorities right away and also let us know.
5. Why did my order get canceled?
Note not all products are available internationally at any given moment. Our website displays products that are in stock in the US. In the case that your order is not available in your country, we will contact you to notify you and/or refund your order due to unavailability.
6. I want to cancel my order. Can you please provide a refund right away?
Once your order has been processed and shipped, we are unable to provide you a refund since your order is already on its way. However, you can return all new and unopened items for a refund. Once we receive and inspect the items, your refund will be issued.
7. I can't see the shipping status with the tracking number you provided.
Sometimes it may take 24 to 48 hours for the system to be updated. Please check again after this time period.
8. What currency does your website charge?
Our website process all orders in USD. If you are using an international credit card, please ask your bank or credit card for more information about conversion rates and fees.
When you purchase a subscription you'll receive repeat deliveries. These are based on the subscription duration and frequency that you select.
Your payment details will be stored securely and you'll be charged for each of these deliveries, unless you choose to pay in advance.
Some subscriptions may auto-renew at the end of their duration. If you don't want to renew a subscription you can cancel it.
If you want to cancel or change your subscription, you can do it at any time. Your order confirmation emails have links to your order. You can manage your subscription from there.
See our returns policy for more details on returns and refunds.
Content on this site is for reference purposes and is not intended to substitute for advice given by a physician, pharmacist, or other licensed health-care professional. You should not use this information as self-diagnosis or for treating a health problem or disease. Contact your health-care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.
Why Midori Spring?
Cultivating Community
We believe in supporting the hands that nurture the soil and cultivate our tea with love and expertise. Small farms, big dreams – that's where our tea begins.
Clean Tea Commitment
Cleanliness is the heart of our tea philosophy. Our teas are Organic Certified & undergo rigorous third-party testing to ensure they are free from toxins.
Sustainable Practices & Farming
We’re all about leaving the planet in great shape for future generations. From seed to cup, we follow a path that's green, responsible, and deeply respectful of Mother Nature.

Celebrating Tea Mastery
We don't just source tea; we form bonds with tea masters. These partnerships allow us to offer unique, artisanal teas that aren't mass-produced but carefully crafted. It's a celebration of skill, tradition, and the art of tea-making.