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Midori Spring MATCHA PANNA COTTA Recipe

Midori Spring MATCHA PANNA COTTA Recipe

Featured Recipe by Lillian//Cooking On Call

Photo by Lillian//Cooking On Call

Three delicious flavors Matcha, pumpkin spice sweet potato & honey lavender. They all look awesome but guess which one is our favorite? :)


Base - whole milk yogurt, almond milk, gelatin,

Flavor - organic matcha, honey


  1. Pour some almond milk in a small bowl and pour the gelatin over it to let it soften.
  2. In a medium sized pot, heat the whole milk yogurt and the rest of milk with the honey until the mix starts to boil.
  3. Remove from the heat and add the matcha.
  4. Gently stir in the softened gelatin mix and stir well.
  5. Pour the panna cotta mix into small cups, glasses, or molds of your choice.
  6. Let the mix cool down and then refrigerate for at least 4 hours before serving, overnight is ideal.
  7. Serve directly in the glasses or remove from molds. Garnish with fresh fruit or sprinkles!

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