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Midori Spring RAW MATCHA BARS Recipe

Midori Spring RAW MATCHA BARS Recipe

Featured Recipe by Steph & Sam//Sugaredcoconut

Photo by Steph & Sam//Sugaredcoconut

We are loving this raw, vegan, healthy, and delicious snack.

Ingredients & Instructions:

1/2 Cup Pumpkin Seeds
1 Cup Dates
1/4 Cup Hemp Hearts
1 Tbsp Coconut Flakes
1 Tsp Cinnamon
1/2 Tsp Chaga

1 Tub Vanilla Coconut Yoso
1 Tbsp Organic Matcha Powder
2 Kiwis (optional)

In a food processor blend crust ingredients. Scoop contents into a loaf or cake pan lined with parchment paper. Place kiwi slices along the sides of the pan (optional). In a medium sized bowl whip together the coconut yogurt & Matcha. Pour contents into pan & refrigerate overnight.

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